About Us


The Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) pursue to bring uniformity in all aspects among
each and every department of IoBM in a way to induce quality in graduate education and to prepare students to be independent researchers. For this OGS plays the role of backbone to polish scholars in a graceful attire of professional achievements.


OGS Vision is to promote the creative potential of students in such a progressive manner which proceed with stability in the arena of research beyond the exuberant colors of the horizon on the sky.


Provide excellence in research
Provide quality assurance
Support timely degree Completion
Communicate relevant and timely information to all constituents
Bring timely issues in graduate education and provide solutions
Update MS/MPhil & Ph. D manual for Faculty and Students
Promote academic integrity and responsibilities
Enhance relationship with HEC/QEC/ORIC/BASR & Academic Council.
Provide opportunity to the students to have interaction with faculty and students to clarify confusions if any.